Friday, May 15, 2009

Greek Tragedy

I look around and I begin to think that I’m trapped inside of some Greek tragedy…everyone plays their parts but we all know that it will end in certain death. Now I have to ask myself which character is it that I will play. Am I a tortured soul like Hamlet? Naw, Hamlet was a cry baby. Maybe, I’m Edipus Rex, do I want to kill my father and marry my mother? Nope, that’s not me either I don’t even know my mother and if I did I doubt I’d like her at all. He did have one thing right though, we should all just gouge out our eyes and become blind to the world around us. Actually, that wouldn’t help either, sure that is fine for the weak who don’t really want to see but for me I see thing all too clearly. My curse…is that I live with my eyes wide open as opposed to most who live with eyes shut. I see all the distorted dirty and ugly things of life. I see people for who they really are not for who I want them to be. You may think this is a good thing…well its not. I no longer hold onto a fairy tale dream of the world, I see what is true and believe me I see you. But…the point is I see you, yes…but you don’t see me, you don’t see me at all. You see me for what you want me to be not for what I really am. So, I’ll force a smile and I’ll play my part in this play called life and we will all sleep peacefully at night…until the writer decides its time for us to exit the stage

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